Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Swearing In

I should have put this post up a few days ago.

Last Friday I officially became part of the Air Force. I dep'd in, as they call it. I'm still not sure why. That means that I got to go to MEPS(Military Entrance Processing Station) at 5am and sit there for four hours until they decided to see me, and then they proceeded to send me running around in circles to different parts of the buildings to complete things I thought I had already taken care of. Oh well, it's the military. No wonder someone coined the phrase, "Hurry up and wait."

Around noonish I finally swore in with 6 other folks. It was very interesting. The First Lieutenant that swore us in told us that abandonment of the US military is seen as treason and since we are at war, it is punishable by death. I have no problem with that. I'm excited to go in, and I don't plan on missing out on anything.


Lori said...

Well its a good thing your use to working before the crack of dawn, so you can be there bright and early to sit around and wait. You have worked with the public enough to have built up patience for tough situations like that too, so that will help you next time you have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

Kara said...

finally! another post

Lori said...

Once they said "punishable by death" I would have pretended that I was in the wrong room and got out of there.