Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Recent Days

(Published by request of Mom)

I don't have an Air Force update yet. I tried to get ahold of my recruiter yesterday but he was busy. I'm just waiting to hear back from him on scheduling my flight physical.

This past week was busy for me. I house/pet-sat for the Hegertys, worked my two jobs, and tried to fit in yoga, running, and weight-lifting in between. I love the three dogs the Hegertys have, but they are really hard work to take care of! Today was my last day over there, and now I am house/pet-sitting for Sheila and Paul while they are in San Antonio. Their yorkie, Ladybug, is really easy to take care of though.

I've been building up a lot of strength lately. Since I heard of my acceptance into the Air Force, I jumped really hard back into my exercise routine. Since starting Yoga 2-3 weeks ago, my flexibility has improved significantly. I impressed myself so much with my stretching after running yesterday that I called up my Yoga partner, Sarah, and raved about it. I really just wanted to keep us pumped up about it so that we will be encouraged to continue it. I think it has helped me run better too. Recently, I've been running anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 miles. You know, it's amazing how being in good shape makes you feel like you can do anything.

Doing push-ups has been a very important part of my routine too. I'm worried I'll probably have to do a ton of them at OTS so I'm preparing myself.

Other than those things, I'm just anticipating Kara, Jack, and Riley's homecoming. I miss them a lot.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Swearing In

I should have put this post up a few days ago.

Last Friday I officially became part of the Air Force. I dep'd in, as they call it. I'm still not sure why. That means that I got to go to MEPS(Military Entrance Processing Station) at 5am and sit there for four hours until they decided to see me, and then they proceeded to send me running around in circles to different parts of the buildings to complete things I thought I had already taken care of. Oh well, it's the military. No wonder someone coined the phrase, "Hurry up and wait."

Around noonish I finally swore in with 6 other folks. It was very interesting. The First Lieutenant that swore us in told us that abandonment of the US military is seen as treason and since we are at war, it is punishable by death. I have no problem with that. I'm excited to go in, and I don't plan on missing out on anything.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Crossing Into the Blue

I decided to name this blogspot "Flight of the Navigator" because it's going to be the record of my life since I first found out that I received a commission in the Air Force.

Well, just to get us started, my recruiter called me this past Friday to tell me that the Air Force accepted me for a navigator position. That means I am a flyer. Not the pilot, but I'm still going to get to wear the cool flight suits and be up in the air. Needless to say, I am very pumped to accept this position and make my way to OTS (Officer Training School) here at Maxwell. Hopefully I'll get to continue this blog and keep you guys up to date on everything I am doing from now on.

For this current week, I have to get another physical done at MEPS and get sworn in.
